2020-05-23 18:43
Strada statale dell'Etna e delle Madonie, Crociate, Nicosia, Enna, Sicily, 94014, Italy
L'Albero di Pero Project
Project owner:
Istituto Centrale per i Beni Sonori e Audiovisivi
Istituto Centrale per i Beni Sonori e Audiovisivi
Recorded by:
Filippo Foscarini
Filippo Foscarini
Countryside environment: an external mountain spring soundscape recorded in the afternoon 5 years ago in Nicosia, Sicily, 94014, Italy. It was Saturday. The sky was clear with strong wind. Human presence. Animal presence.
Registrata durante il lockdown a Pancallo, ai bordi della statale. -
Human presence: macchine che passano. Animal presence: uccelli primaverili.
Recorded with:
DaVinci Resolve,Sony pcm D50
DaVinci Resolve,Sony pcm D50
Microphones used:
Clippy EM272
Clippy EM272
Recording setup:
MONO - 48000 Hz - 24 Bit
MONO - 48000 Hz - 24 Bit
wait loading soundscape
# | Image | Title | Marked as | Hz | Bit | Audio recording setup: | Sound | Distance (Km) |
# | Image | Title | Marked as | Hz | Bit | Audio recording setup: | Sound | Distance (Km) |