Sierra Leone, near the river at night, a lot of birds and insect, but also a child singing in the air...Stereo XY For sale

Sierra Leone, near the river at night, a lot of birds and insect, but also a child singing in the air...Stereo XY
  • Countryside environment: an external plain dry season soundscape recorded in the sunset 7 years ago in Lunsar, Port Loko District, Sierra Leone. It was Thursday. The sky was clear. Technological contamination. Human presence. Animal presence. Insect presence.

    sSPEED=024.000-ND / sUBITS=$23021700 / sSWVER=4.01.01 / sTAPE=17Y02M23 / sCIRCLED=FALSE / sFILENAME=17-1T01_3.WAV / sSCENE=17-1 / sTAKE=01 / sNOTE= / sTRK8=St r
  • Technological contamination: traffic in the air.
    Human presence: voices in the air.
    Animal presence: birds.
    Insect presence: grill, cicadas.

Recorded with:
Sound Dev: Mix664 S#KA071317900
Microphones used:
Stereo pair XY Neumann Km140
Recording setup:
STEREO - 48000 Hz - 24 Bit

wait loading soundscape

# Image Title Marked as Hz Bit Audio recording setup: Sound Distance (Km)