Passeggiata al lago di fimon Project

Project owner:
Istituto Centrale per i Beni Sonori e Audiovisivi
Recorded by:
Passeggiata al lago di fimon
  • Nature environment: an external plain winter soundscape recorded in the night 55 years ago in Veneto, 46057, Italia. It was Thursday. The sky was very cloudy with light wind. Other meteorological contaminations. Human presence. Animal presence. Insect presence.

    Passeggiata al lago di fimon
  • Human presence: si.
    Animal presence: si.
    Insect presence: si.

Recorded with:
Telefono cellulare
Microphones used:
Recording setup:
MONO - 48000 Hz - Bit

wait loading soundscape

# Image Title Marked as Hz Bit Audio recording setup: Sound Distance (Km)